Event Rules & Policies

Policies & Rules

The Riverside County Carnival will assume no liability for injury to property or person, or death of any person or persons on or about the premises. Likewise, the Riverside County Carnival will not be responsible for any damage to exhibits, merchandise, or concessions caused by theft, wind, hail, fire, water, or any cause whatsoever.

Concessionaire agrees to defend at his/her own expense, indemnify and hold harmless the Riverside County Carnival from any and all liabilities, penalties, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action and claims of every kind arising from illness, death, bodily injury or property damage to any person whomsoever, occasioned by or growing out of or in any way connected with the occupation or use of the leased premises or activities associated with the display/booth.

  • Every rider must have a ride ticket or an Unlimited Ride Wristband to be on a ride.
  • Riders must be 36” or taller to receive an Unlimited Ride Wristband. Ride Heights vary- some require an adult rider with child.
  • Riders must be 36” or taller for many rides. Check “our rides” for heights and ticket requirements. We usually offer 2-3 rides for younger kids at 30” or taller.
  • To redeem a coupon it must be printed on paper.
  • One coupon per wristband or 40 ticket ride sheet.
  • Open toed sandals, flip flops, or other open shoes with toes exposed are not permitted on patron Riders. This is to keep your feet safe from injury.
  • The online sale, if offered, is a non-refundable sale — all sales are final and sold online only.
  • All online multiple wristband package deals must be used at the same time. Wristbands must be placed on the customers at time of redemption.
  • There is no rain check for weather and zero refunds.
  • Ticket box and online pricing are subject to change at anytime by management.
  • Daily closing times are subject to change usually based on crowd size and weather.
  • By entering our events and by your presence there, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded. Your entry constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use, in any and all media throughout the universe in perpetuity, of your appearance, voice and name for any purpose whatsoever in connection with the production.
  • You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent given by you by entering our events.
  • If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not enter the events.
  • Parents of young children – please make sure that you strap your child in the seat if they need assistance. Ride operator will check that the child is secured properly.
  • All guests 20 and younger must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian (ages 21 years and older) when visiting during all operational hours, every day of the week. All guests ages 21 and older should be prepared to show valid identification (with picture and date of birth) such as a driver’s license, state identification card, military ID, passport or visa. Failure to comply may result in removal from the premises.
  • No Alcoholic beverages, narcotics or any illegal substances may be brought onto Riverside County Carnival area. Riverside County Carnival reserves the right to deny admission to and remove any person who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics or any illegal substances.
  • No person shall bring into or possess within Riverside County Carnival grounds any firearm or weapons of any nature (or objects that appear to be weapons), including, but not limited to, knives, chains, ammunition, impact weapons, chemical agents (eg: mace and pepper spray) or electronic control devices (eg: Tasers, stun guns). No concealed-carry firearms will be permitted by non-law enforcement personnel on property at any time.
  • Laser pointers are not allowed on premises. Noisemakers including thunder sticks, musical instruments, whistles, air horns, and boom boxes are not permitted.
  • Smoking of tobacco, e-cigarettes, or other products that produce a vapor or smoke are allowed only in designated smoking areas.
  • No selfie sticks, monopods, tripods, recreational drones, or similar devices may be used on Riverside County carnival area, including those purchased at the event.
  • No pets or other animals are permitted on Riverside County carnival area with the exception of approved guide dogs, signal dogs and service animals (i.e,. dogs and miniature horses).
  • All personal mobility vehicles cannot exceed 3 MPH on Riverside County carnival areas at any time.
  • Proper attire must be worn on Riverside County Carnival areas at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear. Clothing or visible tattoos with offensive or obscene language or graphics are prohibited on Riverside County Carnival areas.
  • Wearing clothing, visible tattoos or other attire bearing the name, insignia, colors, or other indicia of affiliation of a criminal street gang is prohibited on Riverside County Carnival areas.
  • No clothing or apparel that intentionally obscures the face is permitted unless worn for cultural or religious reasons or medical conditions.
  • We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing clothing, attire, or displaying tattoos that we consider inappropriate and the person refuses all reasonable options.
  • No attached wagon trains are permissible on Riverside County Carnival property.
  • Glass containers may not be brought onto Riverside County Carnival areas.
  • All persons, bags, parcels, clothing and other items may be subject to screening/security checks at Riverside County Carnival entrances and also within the grounds.
  • Riverside County Carnival reserves the right not to allow any bag, parcel or other item to be brought into the grounds, and to deal with any unattended object in such a way as we consider appropriate
  • Conduct and behavior that is threatening, belligerent, hostile, disorderly, obscene, lewd, unsafe, illegal, and disruptive or interferes with or endangers the operations, staff, or patrons. Such conduct may include, but not limited to, fighting, using profanity or abusive language, spitting, running, shouting, littering, horseplay, throwing of any type of debris or object, and/or using threatening remarks, symbols or gestures.
  • Standing or walking in large groups that block the movement of Riverside County Carnival patrons or cause inconvenience to others.
  • Blocking any building, booth, exhibit, concession stand, performance, ticket window, gate, stage, doorway, walkway, fire exit or stairway.
  • Bicycle riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, Moped riding, Segway riding, hoverboarding or skating of any kind on Riverside County Carnival areas.
  • Sitting on or placing feet on table tops.
  • Interfering with Riverside County Carnival business or interfering with the conduct of business by Riverside County Carnival concessionaires or exhibitors.
  • Soliciting contributions or signatures, leafleting, picketing or displaying signs, posters or banners except in designated areas assigned by Riverside County Carnival by permit upon proper application, subject to Riverside County Carnival rules for non-commercial expressive activity.
  • Soliciting for sale, offering for sale, selling goods or services and/or distributing buttons, bumper stickers, hats, balloons, T-shirts, novelty items, food beverages by non-concessionaires. (The sales of goods and services may only be conducted in a designed commercial space by approved concessionaires upon payment of a fee for such commercial space. Applications for such commercial space may be obtained from Riverside County Carnival commercial sales department).
  • Any activity that could result in physical harm to person or property. In addition to Riverside County Carnival’s Guest Code of Conduct, guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as individual Riverside County Carnival policies, rules and instructions posted or otherwise listed
 Riverside County Carnival’s Code of Conduct is subject to change without notice. Violation of these Rules of Conduct will constitute cause for removal of the violator from Riverside County Carnival.

Vendor Policies

Vendor Lessee must obtain at his own expense, and submit to the Riverside County Carnival, one or more policies of insurance that will afford protection coverage for the duration of the Riverside County Carnival (including set-up before and tear-down after the Carnival) in accordance with the requirements set forth below:

  • A. Workers’ compensation insurance: If required by state law, concessionaires shall provide workers’ compensation insurance for employees at the Carnival.  Vendors/Concessionairs’ employees shall, under no circumstances, be deemed to be employees of the Riverside County Carnival.
  • B. Public liability and property damage insurance: Vendors/Concessionaires shall obtain public liability and property damage insurance in comprehensive general liability form as shall protect them, the Riverside County Carnival, and their elected and appointed officers, commissioners, agents, and employees, from claims for personal injury, including wrongful death, and from claims for property damage, which may arise from the existence, construction, operation, removal, or products of the concession. Comprehensive general liability coverage shall include product liability insurance coverage on all foodstuffs, beverages, and merchandise sold. Bodily injury: each person, $1,000,000; each occurrence, $1,000,000; property damage: each occurrence, $1,000,000; aggregate, $2,000,000.
  • All exhibitors and concessionaires are required to have minimum general public liability insurance coverage on the Riverside County Carnival operation. Riverside County Carnival requires a certificate of insurance or a copy of that policy. The Certificate of Insurance must include the statement “Riverside County Carnival LLC,  AS ADDITIONAL INSURED.” Failure to place a copy of the insurance certificates on file with the hosts of the Riverside County Carnival prior to established deadlines will result in cancellation of rental agreement or forfeiture of renewal privileges. The fee for vendor booths is non refundable.
  • Insurance coverage may be arranged through Riverside County Carnival and their local insurance partners by request.