Accessible Parking
Cost: $10 per vehicle
Accessible Parking cannot be reserved in advance.
Designated accessible parking is available. Proper decals or license plates must be displayed.
Gates may close if parking lots are full. Upon entering the lot, you will pay for parking via credit/debit card. The Riverside County Carnival is a cashless event. Once parked, proceed to the nearest Fair admission entrance. If your vehicle leaves the parking lot, you will be charged for parking upon re-entry. All parking is first-come, first-served.

Preferred Parking
Cost: $15 per vehicle
Preferred Parking cannot be purchased ahead of time.
For only $15, skip the walk with prime parking! A limited number of Preferred Parking spaces are available near the Main Entrance.
The Riverside County Carnival is a cashless event. Once parked, proceed to the nearest Fair admission entrance. If your vehicle leaves the parking lot, you will be charged for parking upon re-entry. All parking is first-come, first-served.